Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday fills we go!

1. In November, I most look forward to _Thanksgivng and family gathering____.

2. _TGIF____...phew!

3. It's right there, in the _panties____.

4. _Reading w/a glass of wine gives me____ peace of mind.

5. Water 48oz a day_Helps flush ya out!____.

6. _You'll take someones eye out with that!_is what my grandmother used to say!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _my glass of wine and book____,

tomorrow my plans include _________to bake and apple pie and go to dinner with my very

good friends_____ and Sunday, I want to _HAVE TO go to church with mom and maybe catcha

nap in the afternoon____!

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