we go!
1. A cup of tea _or coffee for me, a good book and alone time_.
2. _Warm memories & family__ makes a place feel like home.
3. Everything has its beauty _ if you take time to look for it_____.
4. __Is there a KY out there with__ the taste of strawberries?
5. Art makes me _think of An Artist exposed. What a sweet loving man__.
6. LOL I just noticed I forgot _to put on my panties_______.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going home and snuggling under a blanket and reading_, tomorrow my plans include _vacuuming, laundry, dusting, touch paint up in the new bathroom. Hopefully have that DONE!__ and Sunday, I want to _Have some ME TIME-read more, relax, maybe watch a movie, take a nap__!
"It's Raining Men!"
2 days ago