Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday fill in #166

Wow! I have not been out here much have I? we go!

1. Why are you making _so stressed out___?

2. I want you to take __break ___.

3. _Once we get moved into our new office_ then it will be on my terms.

4. _I will get settled mind my own business__ and see what happens.

5. I could use a __I Valium!!! ____.

6. __We move on the 19th into the new office/building___ and then _hopefully all this stress will go away__.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _ just getting home and relaxing with a glass of wine____, tomorrow my plans include Elvis is BACK working out at 9am again! Then getting my nails done, I think I will have Kenny paint a cute spring flower on the ring finger nails__ and Sunday, I want to _take hubs to a dinner just up the road for a yummy breakfast____!

Let me explain a bit about the move and my stress. I love change I can handle change just fine usually.
But I out of the three of us I am the only one who has to push someone out of their space that has been there space for YEARS. Even before I came to work here.
Plus the job I'm doing now is a job they took from this same individual 6 years ago.
So I have her job and now I'm taking her space....
This can't be good?!?!?

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